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Re:Halloween debate-Trick or Treat - Oct 30th or 31st (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: Re:Halloween debate-Trick or Treat - Oct 30th or 31st
hilgi (User)
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Re:Halloween debate-Trick or Treat - Oct 30th or 31st 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 4  
(Reposted from my Facebook post) I have been trying to think of a way to talk about tolerance. I do admire those who really want to keep Sunday as a family day. Before I moved here I read a lot of forums where people talk about what it is like living in Utah, one rare theme among non-LDS was that they felt shunned or ignored by their LDS neighbors. Having now lived here over one year I have not seen any of that, I am sure it happens but it hasn’t to me. We drink wine, coffee and cokes on our porch (not always at the same time) and haven’t had one problem, maybe I am just lucky.

For me I look at it this way, what drew me to Utah was for the most part settled and built by the LDS; there is a lot of good in what was created here. Every area has their unique customs and traditions, some strange some not. This debate is not unique to Utah, do a news search. The Sunday family day is important to the LDS and many Christians, like it or not there are a lot of people here who do enjoy family day. I would rather blend in with the customs of a community then try and barge my way in and ask everyone else to change for me, especially regarding something happens so rarely. I do notice that adults have no problem going to Halloween parties on other days, why is it all of the sudden more sacred when kids are involved?

That being said I do hope that more LDS have a welcoming attitude about this debate as opposed to a “like it or leave it” attitude, I have not experienced any negativity but it sounds as if this attitude is out there.

Remember, this is a day for KIDS, they don’t care about petty political and religious statements of principal, and they just want candy. I hear people champion the idea of religious tolerance all over the news; it does seem that for many that tolerance ends when it involves a politically incorrect religion.

The next year that this will happen is 2021, is it really that bad to adjust every 6-11 years?
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lemonjenny (User)
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Re:Halloween debate-Trick or Treat - Oct 30th or 31st 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0  
Very good point Hilgi.

You know, the more and more I think about this and read everyone's comments, the more I, despite the principal behind it all, want to just go along with whatever the majority on my street wants to do, at least for Halloween. (I still don't think we should have changed the 4th to the 3rd.) I guess I've softened to the idea a bit. I think the problem is that none of us really know what the majority is going to do. If it's open for discussion, my vote is to celebrate on Sunday. Then again, I don't have kids, and if I did, I'd let them trick-or-treat whenever the majority of their friends were trick-or-treating. I mean, if we want to get nit-picky about Halloween, it's a Pagan holiday anyway, and there are lots of customs that have been lost!

It would be nice if Daybreak at least made an "official" announcement for Halloween, so all the kids could go on the same night, and those of us who don't have time to run the door two nights in a row can choose a night more effectively.

As for the religious-tolerance thing: I think that needs to be practiced more often. And not just tolerance for LDS folks, but for those of other belief systems as well, even when they conflict. I haven't personally experienced any prejudice among my neighbors for not being LDS (although, many people on my street aren't either), but I, too, have heard the horror stories. I experienced it more growing up in other neighborhoods than Daybreak. Most people I meet here seem to be pretty progressive and open minded.

Utah is a fabulous place to live. The weather, the scenery, and yes, the community also. Even though I'm not part of the predominant religion, I absolutely love it here.
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Last Edit: 2010/10/25 18:20 By lemonjenny.
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autichris (User)
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Re:Halloween debate-Trick or Treat - Oct 30th or 31st 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 1  
Did anyone even get any kids on Sunday? We had hundreds on Saturday but none on Sunday. I'm glad I gave out candy on Saturday!
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lemonjenny (User)
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Re:Halloween debate-Trick or Treat - Oct 30th or 31st 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0  
I wasn't home Saturday night, but we did get some trick-or-treaters Sunday night!
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Davix (User)
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Re:Halloween debate-Trick or Treat - Oct 30th or 31st 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0  
I took an informal poll of my LDS acquaintances. 100% of them trick-or-treated on Saturday and had candy ready for trick-or-treaters on both Saturday and Sunday. No one I polled commented about the morality of Sabbath day trick-or-treating. All of them responded that they had very few trick-or-treaters on Sunday.

However, my out-of-state LDS acquaintances seem to have all trick-or-treated on Sunday.

I'm curious if my findings are common to others as well.
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JustMe (User)
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Re:Halloween debate-Trick or Treat - Oct 30th or 31st 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 14  
I haven't asked anyone locally as from the complaints on the weather I assume they all went sat. However, all my out of state friends and family were out on sunday regardless of religion.
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