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TOPIC: Re:Dog Park
GirlInterrupted (User)
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Re:Dog Park 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 12  
I don't mind the fee, in fact I'm all for it if it's used to support the dog park and isn't diverted to the HOA bottom line. I don't want the money to become the social security fund for our managements borrowing whims when balancing a budget.

I am upset the park is in such deplorable shape that I payed my fee for both dogs and can't use the facility as it's a danger to my animals.
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mcgowans (User)
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Re:Dog Park 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 1  
All i can say is that I live near the dog park, and refuse to pay $15. I'm not sure what they do with the $252 per quarter they are getting from me at this point, and to pay $15 for a bullpen for my dog adds insult to injury. Not to mention the fact that I already pay for licensing and registration fees for my dog through the city.
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GirlInterrupted (User)
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Re:Dog Park 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 12  
The funds from registration will be the only way the park will get upgrades. Unless of course the community says, we will give up a new swing set to let the money go to the dog park for improvements this year. We all know THAT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN. If it isn't about kids, it doesn't happen in Daybreak.

This isn't the first or last dog park that has a registration fee. I'm 100% behind registration and keeping the facility private to Daybreak residents. I don't want to spend my time there with every unneutered, unregistered Pit Bull of questionable health that finds their way in.

But the point is completely moot for me. I won't take my dogs to the park until it's safe and enjoyable, even though I have already paid for registration.
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FlyingAce (User)
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Re:Dog Park 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 8  
We were excited about the dog park and had no problem with the registration fees. At this point, though, it seems stupid to pay for something that is unsafe and unusable. I suppose we could go ahead and pay the fee in hopes that others will choose to do the same - all in hopes that KL/CCMC will decide to use the money and repair the dog park. But at this point, we have no guarantee that they intend to make any repairs regardless of how much money is generated from the user fees. To be honest, I would be willing to pay more than $15 (and possibly donate time, money, and supplies) if I knew that it would be used to improve the park. I would be willing to bet that others feel the same. But I don't see any reason to give one more dime to our lame excuse for an HOA until we have some guarantee that they intend to make the repairs and will provide adequate upkeep once the park is brought up to standard.
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GirlInterrupted (User)
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Re:Dog Park 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 12  
FlyingAce wrote:
To be honest, I would be willing to pay more than $15 (and possibly donate time, money, and supplies) if I knew that it would be used to improve the park. I would be willing to bet that others feel the same.

Ace, it's great to hear you say that. My husband and I have expressed the same thing to KL and the HOA. Initially the intent was to have a resident committee involved with the park. But it seems that idea has gone the way of many other benificaial community support concepts.
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FlyingAce (User)
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Re:Dog Park 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 8  
GirlInterrupted wrote:
Ace, it's great to hear you say that. My husband and I have expressed the same thing to KL and the HOA. Initially the intent was to have a resident committee involved with the park. But it seems that idea has gone the way of many other benificaial community support concepts.:unsure:

Do you (or anyone else) happen to know what, if any, irrigation is down there? If a group of homeowners were to get together and provide some sod and the necessary labor, is there any way to keep it watered? Of course, figuring out the eventual mowing and maintenance would be another issue, but I haven't been down there since last fall so I don't remember exactly what has been installed in terms of "infrastructure."
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