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TOPIC: Re:Huntsman Cancer Foundation 5K
don (User)
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Re:Huntsman Cancer Foundation 5K 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 3  
Here are the details of the "park party" that is replacing the 5k this year:

We’re doing something a little different!
Instead of a Fun/Run/Walk 5k we will be hosting a Park Party to raise funds to be donated to Huntsman Cancer Foundation.
The party will take place in one of Daybreak’s newest parks in Eastlake Village, Rowdy Park (located off Vermillion).
The park party will offer FREE live entertainment,
BBQ dinner ($5.00 donation),
face painting (6 tickets per resident),
bounce houses (6 tickets per resident),
dunk tank (6 tickets per 3 balls)
and a pie throwing (6 tickets per pie)
Tickets for activities available at the park – 6 tickets for $5.00 or 1 ticket for $1.00
Hope to see you there!

Read that again. 6 tickets will cost you $5! Good cause or not, I did the math on this one. Let's say I have a small family, only two kids. I want to go to the park party, eat dinner, and have some fun. Dinner for 4 - $20, 3 out of four activities (for the two kids only)- $30! $5 for one ride is ridiculous. Going home from a crappy event $50 - $70 poorer, priceless! You've got to be kidding me. I can see it now, "Mommy, can I throw a pie at somebody, PLEASE?" Oh, why not, what's another $10 or $15 for 20 seconds of thrill? Surely we can do better than this.
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littleash (User)
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Re:Huntsman Cancer Foundation 5K 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 2  
I agree. Our family won't be attending.

We are happy to contribute to a fundraiser, but asking residents to pay $5 PER CHILD for a few minutes in a bounce house or for the opportunity to throw three balls at a dunk tank is just ridiculous. And really, why only buy one ticket, when everything costs 6 tickets (or $5)? I initially thought this would be a fun way to get out, get to know new people and support a good cause. However, I don't want to be taken advantage of.

The 5k was a great idea, and since our neighborhood is growing so quickly, I wish they would have given the race more time to grow and increase in interest. We have only been in the area a few weeks, and I am pretty disappointed great ideas are being canceled before us newcomers even have a chance to participate.
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JustMe (User)
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Re:Huntsman Cancer Foundation 5K 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 14  
I'm happy to see I'm not the only one that noticed the 6 tickets to do anything for $5. Still confused about why they are bothering with 6 tickets, why not just sell 1 for $5 since nothing apparently takes less than that. I'm dissappointed that they removed the 5k to do the party instead when I think more people would've donated for the 5k rather than the option they've provided. We won't be attending either...
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poopsy (User)
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Re:Huntsman Cancer Foundation 5K 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 3  
I see the effects of the work the Huntsman Cancer
Foundation does everyday so don't let this change of event stop you from donating to this great cause.
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GirlInterrupted (User)
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Re:Huntsman Cancer Foundation 5K 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 12  
Poopsy is correct, we should not lose sight of the event's goal, donation by the Daybreak community to an extremely worthy cause. Sometimes, it's not just about us.

If the community wants to continue the 5k, then I suggest a group of folks form a committee to organize the event now. Keep in mind that staging the 5k is extremely expensive and VERY labor intensive.

So the committees first meeting should focus on what pocket the 18-20k (yes, thats thousands)necessary to make the event happen, will provide funding. Remember, the Daybreak budget has gone down with the economy, so chances are good you will have to look for a great many sponsors to fill the funding gap. Or, Daybreak will have to figure out which events to cancel so they can put funding into the 5K.

Once you have funding, then it's on to try to find volunteers.

This kind of event doesn't just happen.
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kdudley (User)
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Re:Huntsman Cancer Foundation 5K 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 3  
i agree girlinterrupted. The Huntsman cancer foundation helps thousands through research and treatment. We are not bargain shopping at costco for the most value for our dollar it is a matter of supporting an organization that gives back to the community a 100 times. I toured the facility last year after our successful 5k fundraiser and what they do is amazing.

I am no longer on the committee because of the divisive politics that have taken over our once thriving programs committee. In many cases we see the same type of politics in these forums. Money can not drive every decision we make. We cannot let it get in the way of building a community and supporting some thing bigger than each of its parts.

If I am able to attend the party I will.
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