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TOPIC: Re:Huntsman Cancer Foundation 5K
littleash (User)
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Re:Huntsman Cancer Foundation 5K 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 2  
Well, no one said this wasn't a worthy cause. Of course it is!

Well, the way I see it, if the sole purpose of the event is to donate money to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation- if a 5k race costs $18k-20k just to put on, we are better off just donating that money then, aren't we? Forget the hassle of a BBQ gathering- just ask for donations. See what I mean? There is more to it than just the money. This is something to bring the community together, to have some fun as well as support a great cause. But that event needs to be realistic so people will feel comfortable attending.

Why not have $8 BBQ dinners and rides/ activities be $2 each? That way, the kids and residents can afford to participate in more activities, linger longer, and build relationships as well as raise the money. Chances are, I would be happy to pay $6 for my child to bounce three times, than have my child pay $5 to bounce once, because we all know kids just can't bounce once- they always want to go again . . . and again . . . and again.
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don (User)
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Gender: Male donlamoureux O4 Rocks! don@leadstreams.com Location: South Jordan of course! Birthdate: 1966-12-15
Re:Huntsman Cancer Foundation 5K 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 3  
Nobody in their right mind would say that Huntsman isn't a great cause. That isn't the topic of discussion. You can raise thousands of dollars without a price tag that high, though. The issue is that we are "settling". Since the 5k wasn't "supported enough" and there was an apparent lack of interest, I guess we have to do something.

I will reserve my judgment, though until i see the response to the park party and the total amount raised. I don't think raising the price of the food and lowering the price of the rides to be the answer though. When I did a similar event (though much more involved), I raised $22,000 for a great cause. That was after expenses, which were minimal. Here is a secret: make everything really reasonable, increase the scope, pull in 1500 to 2000 people, and you will make a lot of money. Plus you will have a better event that involves more of the community. Try $10 bracelets that give you unlimited rides, and get the rides donated. Include auctions, bake sales, craft sales, etc. That is just scratching the surface. We have done petting zoos, balloon rides, auto expos, live entertainment, carnival games, almost all of it donated. Print 2000 programs with advertising that all goes to the cause.

Oh, by the way, I did this with a base of about 200 families, Daybreak has 1200 and growing. These are the kinds of things we should get for the salaries we are paying.
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littleash (User)
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Re:Huntsman Cancer Foundation 5K 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 2  
Hey Don, it sounds like you should be on the planning committee!You would have some great input.

My suggestion was only to make the point that the games don't have to be so pricey to raise money. Other school based fundraisers we went to had wristbands or $1 per ride (or so)and raising enough cash was never an issue. I actually think people are willing to spend more if the price for activities is reasonable in the first place. I think we agree on that point, even if my last post didn't explain my position clearly.
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don (User)
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Gender: Male donlamoureux O4 Rocks! don@leadstreams.com Location: South Jordan of course! Birthdate: 1966-12-15
Re:Huntsman Cancer Foundation 5K 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 3  
Thanks, littleash, I was on it for a couple of years when I first moved here. I expressed my concern about the direction of the committee in light of the growing community, and wasn't taken seriously.
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JustMe (User)
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Re:Huntsman Cancer Foundation 5K 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 14  
I agree with you littleash... I won't be going mainly because I don't have kids (pretty big factor in that one!), but most fundraising events that I've attended have been relatively cheap with the idea that people tend to spend more by staying longer due to the prices (how many people have hosted a "free" car wash with the idea that people give more when a set price isn't attached?? I have!). I agree that this is a great cause, however at those prices I'd rather just donate my money straight out which isn't what the event is about. I think we are all in agreement that this is a great cause but the quality of the fundraiser is lacking. Fewer people are being reached out too (i.e. people with no kids since it appears this is focusing around families, and there won't be runners reaching out for sponsors that live outside of daybreak and are unaware of the event), and over priced activities will cause fewer people to stay awhile meaning pockets won't be as deep.
Like Don said, only time will tell to how successful the event is without the 5k. I hope it maintains the same amount as last year at the very least, but I'm not so sure.
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deepdoodoo (User)
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Re:Huntsman Cancer Foundation 5K 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 4  
This is from the new website calendar this morning. Maybe they are behind in getting it updated???

3rd Annual 5k Dusk Fun/Run/Walk Park Party

We’re doing something a little different this year! Join us for our “dusk” 5k fun run/walk. This event is open to runners, joggers and walkers throughout the Valley. The course will take participants through the beautiful neighborhood of Daybreak. We will conclude the event with a Park Party in one of Daybreak’s newest parks in Eastlake Village. The park party will offer live entertainment, BBQ dinner, clowns, face painting, bounce houses and raffle prizes for everyone. To register log onto http://www.sportsnuts.com/.
When: Saturday, August 30 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM
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