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TOPIC: Re:Founders Village Swimming Pool
GirlInterrupted (User)
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Re:Founders Village Swimming Pool 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 12  
littleash wrote:

Not all of us have lived here since the beginning of Daybreak, or even since the beginning of the year, and have not had the opportunity to get involved before.

First, I can't say I'm behind the pool yet as all the numbers and a final plan have not been proposed. I can't support something that I don't have all the facts on.

Sorry, being a "short timer"(having a family, working, gotta work out, walk the dog, mow the lawn, etc) doesn't exclude you from being involved or appropriately informed. I've heard all theses excuses from folks ready to rally against something they are clueless about.

All the people who participate in community committees, no matter what the goal is, have the same commitments as those who don't get involved. There is no reason not to be involved IF you are truly interested.

littleash wrote:
I agree with jarmcguire, and am not a fan of the pool because we are already having budget issues. Wasn't it just a few weeks ago we were told that amenities may be cut that that we had to raise dues to cover the costs we have now? That is great if we have extra budget to operate another pool from year to year, but it doesn't make sense to me to agree to such an expense when we we aren't sure where we are with budget concerns right now (employee raises etc, high heating bills for the Eastlake pool house, homeowners not paying dues etc).

I'm not a fan of spending money we don't have either. However, had you been involved in dissecting the budget and attending the BOD meetings, you would understand why we have budget issues and how our community funding works. You would be dismayed at the extraordinary margin added by CCMC to every service provided to the homeowners of Daybreak. I don't have a problem with a contractor making money, but only when they provide good service and a better community.

littleash wrote:
[quote]How much is this new pool going to cost?

The plan isn't just the pool. You need to take time to understand what has been proposed.

littleash wrote:
[quote]Yes, the current pool we have cannot accommodate 50,000 residents, but neither can the current workout facilities, boats on the lake or tennis courts. Are we prepared to duplicate each amenity in each phase? That is something that needs to be considered before a precedent is set.

What also needs to be considered is Kennecott is learning as each village is completed. Founders was the beneficiary of all the initial mistakes, and there were some whoppers!!! Numerous issues in Founders had to be revisited and corrected like, common area landscape, basement flooding, empty weed lots, etc. I'm sure you would agree a village should be finished even if it means an amenity is duplicated. It's about property value in all villages, not just Eastlake or North Shore or any that follow.

Every resident should be fully informed and not just about one issue like the pool. It's a big community picture.
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littleash (User)
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Re:Founders Village Swimming Pool 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 2  
Glad you had fun dissecting my post. Just a few comments:

Being a "short-timer" isn't an "excuse". You can't be involved in issues if you haven't even moved in yet! And as we all know, it can take a few weeks to get unpacked and figure out where everything is, much less find out about a pool committee. If it wasn't for this site, I would be completely oblivious to some current issues because I don't always get emails and updates from the HOA.

I have actually reviewed the budget and am quite aware of what is going on. I think we both agree there are unresolved concerns, and I would prefer to see those resolved before we can determine if we can afford another pool in a year. Like I said before, just a few weeks ago there was discussion about how to cut pool costs because they were so big in the budget. To me, it seems strange to read that a pool will be built, yet we don't have specifics about the cost, only numbers about the savings.

Speaking of which, I am fully aware this is more than just a pool issue. However, the pool was the question at hand, not rent issues with the HOA. I think we can all agree that is a great move to save money.

I am not sure what you mean about property values- when we were house hunting not too long ago, we looked on Founders and Eastlake and the price, size and condition of the homes were all comparable. I guess if I wasn't an original Founders resident, I can't fully understand the "that's not fair' mentality that I have heard ever so often because I didn't live it. However, I think both phases are beautiful, nice places to live with different, but comparable amenities.
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GirlInterrupted (User)
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Re:Founders Village Swimming Pool 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 12  
littleash wrote:
[quote]Glad you had fun dissecting my post.:) Just a few comments:

Fun, no, just addressing the issues expressed.

littleash wrote:Being a "short-timer" isn't an "excuse". You can't be involved in issues if you haven't even moved in yet! And as we all know, it can take a few weeks to get unpacked and figure out where everything is, much less find out about a pool committee. If it wasn't for this site, I would be completely oblivious to some current issues because I don't always get emails and updates from the HOA.

And yet you have formed concrete opinions.

littleash wrote:I have actually reviewed the budget and am quite aware of what is going on. I think we both agree there are unresolved concerns, and I would prefer to see those resolved before we can determine if we can afford another pool in a year. Like I said before, just a few weeks ago there was discussion about how to cut pool costs because they were so big in the budget. To me, it seems strange to read that a pool will be built, yet we don't have specifics about the cost, only numbers about the savings. Speaking of which, I am fully aware this is more than just a pool issue. However, the pool was the question at hand, not rent issues with the HOA. I think we can all agree that is a great move to save money.

Life and the building (or finishing) of the community goes on. What to do with the weed acre next to the DCC started well before you began buying your home or unpacking. The project addresses several issues not just the pool. The proposal hasn't be finalized allowing the committee and BOD to decide whether the idea is worthwhile. It's not a done deal.

littleash wrote:I am not sure what you mean about property values- when we were house hunting not too long ago, we looked on Founders and Eastlake and the price, size and condition of the homes were all comparable. I guess if I wasn't an original Founders resident, I can't fully understand the "that's not fair' mentality that I have heard ever so often because I didn't live it. However, I think both phases are beautiful, nice places to live with different, but comparable amenities.

Property values in Daybreak relate to the big picture. If the HOA doesn't enforce rules and we have homes that aren't cared for, it affects our property values. If our HOA dues are out of control, it affects our property values. If we have portions of a village that aren't finished or are poorly managed, it affects that villages property values. If we have homes that suffer from continued flooding, it affects property values in that village. It's sad talking to homeowners that have suffered since the first day they purchased their homes in Village One. Imagine what their property values and satisfaction levels are.

I've been here a long time and it's not about the fairness of it all. It's about business and property values. As you have mentioned the DCC is a premier amenity and anyone considering buying her will at least drive by to look. What does it say about our community, Founders Village, and Kennecott Land, that we can't get out of our own way and do something with a weed filled lot after 3 years. If you look at the progress of Eastlake, some very minor changes have been made, but NOTHING will be left unfinished.

I don't care how or what fills that lot as long as it is a benefit to the community, fiscally responsible, and managed appropriately once it arrives.

If someone is whining about fairness, suggest they get involved and create some equality. Lest they forget it's about the entire community, not just their block.
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littleash (User)
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Re:Founders Village Swimming Pool 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 2  
Grr, why does the site log me out while I am typing?!

Anyway, does anyone know what the site next to the DCC was originally planned for?

I think I am allowed to formulate my own opinions based on the info have right now. Could I change my view if I get new info? Sure, it's a possibility, but the original question asked how we all felt about the pool right now, so I shared.

Just as Founders has the land next to the DCC, Eastlake has oodles of custom lots that sit untouched- and some aren't even for sale yet! Care to guess how long it will take for them to sell them and build in this economy? The weed infested eye sores affect the Eastlake residents as well. Try selling a home next to one of them. Likewise, no one can say that Eastlake will not have any areas left unfinished - no one knows how it will progress or what the future holds. And because of that uncertainty, I am hesitant to back a new expense.
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sentinel (User)
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Re:Founders Village Swimming Pool 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 18  
Lil' ash, I share your frustration about being signed out. Sometimes, after typing a post, I hit "Submit" and the whole thing disappears with a small window apprearing which says, "Code not accepted". Solution: highlight and copy before hitting submit.

As to the proposed pool, it isn't a done-deal by any stretch.
The "announcement", as written, implied that a group of committee and community members have "agreed" to a KL plan.
While they have many more details about the plan than we do and can state that the plan is advantageous, they have no power to agree or disagree on our behalf...to anything!

Whether it's good or not and I have some reservations about any such plan, pending future details, it will have to be determined and a vote taken by residents as to form, function and funding.

Waiting to hear more...
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Last Edit: 2008/12/21 20:14 By sentinel.
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jtb42 (User)
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Re:Founders Village Swimming Pool 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 1  
It's unclear what the empty lot next to the DCC was originally planned for. I can say that there were a lot of rumors from builders and home owners that the lot was going to be used for a lap pool (over 2 years ago). The restroom facilities at the DCC were supposedly designed to service a pool facility and the DCC. From what I heard, builders even had some marketing info on this.

Recently KL reps said they planned to leave the lot empty for future development. Unfortunately, KL has lost a lot of credibility so it's really anybodys guess.

As for the pool, I'm in favor of it. The community will continue to grow and more pools will likely be needed, among other amenities. The amenities are one of the biggest selling points of the community, so we certainly all benefit from continued expansion of current amenities and hopefully some new ones as well.
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