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TOPIC: Re:DCC Meeting on 8/19/09
jarmcguire (User)
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Re:DCC Meeting on 8/19/09 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 4  
I would love to see a post about what was discussed last night!

Unfortunately, my Wednesday nights are tied up due to other obligations so I am unable to attend a lot of the meetings. But I would like to know what was discussed so I can contact the HOA or KL and add my two-cents to the issues.
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thaddow (Visitor)
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Re:DCC Meeting on 8/19/09 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 1  
I really wanted to be at the meeting last night but had to work late. Did we talk about any solutions or come up with any to our problems at the beach? Were any other issues with non-residence destroying our community brought up? I hope so before residence start taking things into their own hands.
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sentinel (User)
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Re:DCC Meeting on 8/19/09 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 18  
Thad, all of that was discussed. Residents have already taken things into their own hands. No resolution other than furious note-taking and promises to take action. I suspect that it'll all be taken care of to the residents' satisfaction but not in our lifetimes. Over 60 people there with pet concerns, lots of yelling and finger-pointing and it went on until way after 10:30.
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GirlInterrupted (User)
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Re:DCC Meeting on 8/19/09 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 12  
thaddow wrote:
Were any other issues with non-residence destroying our community brought up? I hope so before residence start taking things into their own hands.

Since Daybreak opened the first appealing park on Kestrel Rise our community has been an attraction to the outside world. The first summer volleyball, basketball, and the splash pool opened, they were filled with non-residents. Language and behavior was out of line well into the night and the resident children were chased out. Residents begged for intervention by the HOA/Developer. Ultimately, it was a group of persistent residents walking through the park, telling non-residents to behave or get out, that created a difference. The HOA assigned a rotating shift to check ID's at the splash pool. We were told, it's important to have these people come into the community and experience it so they will buy homes.

When the first section of the lake opened, it was overrun with non-residents fishing for their dinner and trashing every spot on the shoreline. Those folks filtered down into the community and we saw a rise in crime and vandalism. Security was useless. Again, we were told, it's important to have these people come into the community and experience it so they will buy homes.

When the next section of the lake opened, it was the same thing only now we had more bridges to jump from, dark areas to skinny dip in, graffiti, people in cars and RV's camping at all hours, and more wandering into the neighborhoods. Security was useless. And again, we were told, it's important to have these people come into the community and experience it so they will buy homes.

Now our attractive nuisance (the lake) is almost done, has all the things that attracted folks before and more, BEACHES, and the best playgrounds in the valley! The unaddressed trouble from last year has escalated to a fever pitch. Security is useless, and we are still told, it's important to have these people come into the community and experience it so they will buy homes.

Kennecott and the HOA have had 4 years to see the pattern and address it. Responses from the BOD at last nights meeting was no different than the preceding years, "gosh how will we address this"? They were clueless, and offered no real solutions to a problem that anyone could have seen coming like a 100 car freight train.

We have a lovely community with wonderful people. Our developer had great vision but didn't project results through culmination. They failed to consider what happens when people are added to the dream they created on paper.

Some solutions were suggested last night. I hope the BOD will act appropriately and expeditiously this year and realize that the people coming to the community to use the amenities are not those that will buy a home. Whatever they offer to solve the problem will be a homeowner cost. Kennecott Land takes no responsibility for their mistakes and misjudgment once the project is built.
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jarmcguire (User)
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Re:DCC Meeting on 8/19/09 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 4  
What are the solutions that residnets proposed?

Does anyone know how Salt Lake City handles problems at Sugar House Park verses Liberty Park & Pioneer Park? I know that Sugar House park has it's own problems, but it seems to stay a safer place than Liberty & Pioneer park - maybe this could give us some insight as to handle our problems.

I think we also need to educate more Daybreak residents about the lake. Last night, we took our 11 yr. old Scouts around Eastlake & NorthShore beaches picking up trash and all of the boys thought it was okay to swim in the lake! I corrected them and told them that the signs even say no swimming and then I gave them a quick lesson on how just because everyone else is doing something it doesn't make it okay (and having to give that lesson made me feel old - that something my parents always said!)
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GirlInterrupted (User)
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Re:DCC Meeting on 8/19/09 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 12  
Sugarhouse, Liberty, and Pioneer are city parks. The police department and City budget and plan to address issues that arise on city property.

Our lake is private property. SoJo police can enter the property and take care of issues if they see something occur or a resident calls. Since the city doesn't own the lake, the level of police presence isn't budgeted for.

If Daybreak wants a police presence, we will have to hire an off duty officer.
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