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TOPIC: Re:DCC Meeting on 8/19/09
hilgi (User)
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Re:DCC Meeting on 8/19/09 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 4  
lauramoncur wrote:
Do you really want some security Nazi asking everyone for their HOA cards or visitor passes? I sure don't.

The problem isn't the people visiting who don't live in Daybreak. The problem is people who aren't cleaning up after themselves. The offenders in that case are BOTH Daybreak residents AND visitors.

I don't care who uses the lake as long as they are polite and clean up.


I understand your concerns, I share them, and you won't find a more libertarian minded person than me.

If these problems are true (I'll find out starting Monday) then the property owners’ rights do need to be addressed.

The way I envision visitor passes is they would only be requested if the people are acting out of line, this would at least be a way to get trouble makers to act normal.

I'll get a better feel about things once I live there, I am very easy going so I might think some of the complainers are just to sensitive.
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GirlInterrupted (User)
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Re:DCC Meeting on 8/19/09 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 12  
I was both shocked and pleased to see an email from the HOA regarding the BOD meeting. It contained a link to a recap of the important items brought up by homeowners during the meeting. The two most important items, the eastlake beach and sunflower park.

How can a meeting 4 hour long have only two items worth highlighting? Numerous residents from founders village attended to put voice to issues that have been ongoing for months and years. Once again, founders village has been ignored by Kennecott.

Most of the people attending the meeting from Eastlake had never attended a BOD meeting prior. Most of the Founders residents had been to many meetings.

From the BOD response, Founders can only assume they are no longer important after paying for the initial homes that helped keep the development moving forward.
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littleash (User)
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Re:DCC Meeting on 8/19/09 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 2  
Actually, many Eastlake residents attended because their fellow neighbors went door to door with fliers and personally invited people to attend - that might explain the jump in numbers.

I appreciated the follow up email, and I am glad the numbers at the meetings are increasing - doesn't matter to me what street they live on, as long as the people there care about Daybreak as a whole. Let's hope the next meeting the group of residents is even bigger.

I think it's great Sunflower park will be getting some new equipment - I look forward to seeing it when it is complete.
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Last Edit: 2009/09/03 04:15 By littleash. Reason: Typos! Oops!
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lauramoncur (User)
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Re:DCC Meeting on 8/19/09 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: -1  
For those of you who wanted to see the video on YouTube about the skatepark in Daybreak, it's here:

YouTube: Daybreak Utah skatepark

The "Loch Ness" comment is not about the lake, it's a description of the Loch Ness Monster feature in the skate park.

If you don't want people to talk about Daybreak, you're going to be disappointed.

I found another video from the North Shore Grand Opening a year ago:

YouTube: Tour of Daybreak

The only difference between these videos is the age of the people filming them. Both kids AND adults are excited about our community and some day want to live here. Isn't that what we WANT?
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sentinel (User)
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Re:DCC Meeting on 8/19/09 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 18  
Laura, go back and re-read the post about the "Loch Ness" comment. It stated that the comment was describing the park, not the lake. I think you got it backward.

Did you attend the BOD meeting? Just curious; you seem to be new here but quite at home about advising the rest of us about what you perceive as a perfect spot to live and our bad attitudes toward misbehaving and contemptuous visitors and residents.

We, overwhelmingly, like Daybreak for its friends, its beauty, its opportunities for development, its volunteerism and its "can-do" attitude. OK, the management needs a change...again. But for those who enjoy their neighbors and friends, it's a great spot.

We all want people to move here for many reasons. However, we do not want bad behavior, bad attitudes, immaturity and childish perspectives on duty and dedication to this great community and we WILL NOT condone it for much longer!

Outsiders can and do enjoy our amenities without moving here and the neighboring developments advertise the fact that Daybreak is "open for business and pleasure, just up the road." They don't have to move here to play here and Kennecott is inviting them to do that.

If those people who live here and act like animals want to continue to do so, then I invite them to look for another more-suitable place to settle. If those who come here from outside and want to act like animals and show disrespect to our community feel unwelcome, that's fine with me because they are unwelcome for their bad behavior.

Good to have you here, Laura, you seem to car but, you just need just a little greater sense of from where we have come and a greater awareness of our dedication to Daybreak as a welcoming, but proud community which will not tolerate such behavior for long.
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Last Edit: 2009/09/05 04:14 By sentinel.
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