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Jordan to layoff Special Ed teachers Print E-mail
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Tuesday, 25 May 2010 16:21

In the story below we said that the Jordan School District could use building funds to supplement their special education budget.  It turns out that is not true.  Since the federal government helps fund some of that program there are a bunch of requirements that must be put in place when you take that money.  Taking building money is not possible.


After all the talk from school board members in the Jordan School District about saving jobs, it appears that promise will not come true after all.


(thanks goes out to the team for the article)


The Daybreak Triathlon & Summer Celebration (with Beer Garden) ~ this Saturday 5/29/10 Print E-mail
Written by Scoop   
Tuesday, 25 May 2010 13:11

   Kick off your Summer and come visit Daybreak this weekend!!! The 2nd Annual Daybreak Triathlon starts at 8am and finishes up about 10am and the Daybreak Summer Celebration (aka Fizz Fest) starts off at 10am and runs to 2pm. At the Daybreak Summer Celebration, the shops and restaurants of SoDa Row (aka Daybreak Village Center) will bring their goods out onto the sidewalk. The air will be filled with kites and the sound of live music. There will be a BEER GARDEN, climbing wall, sidewalk chalk, fizzy drinks and other fun stuff for kids.


Hope to see you there!

Daybreak Daily May Tech Tip ~ How to Back up (make a copy) your DVD's Print E-mail
Written by Scoop   
Tuesday, 25 May 2010 10:44

   With the bad economy and all I figured I would show everyone how to make a back up copy of their DVD’s, there is nothing worse than having to shell out $20 on a DVD you already bought that got scratched or cracked. Please note, you need to be logged in to be able to download the two freeware programs used to do this, dvd shrink & dvd decrypter (you won’t see them unless you login)


First, you need to create a folder for your DVD work before hand. This is a place on your HD where DVD Decrypter can put its work after it decrypts your DVD (rids it of that encryption thingie) and where DVD Shrink can work on the movie files just prior to burning it to your blank DVD. Try to put it someplace where you won't forget it. I made a folder on my Desktop, - i.e. Desktop, ALL DVD WORK..


Last Updated on Tuesday, 25 May 2010 10:53
Daybreak Community Yard Sale May 15th 7am to 1pm Print E-mail
Written by Scoop   
Wednesday, 12 May 2010 08:30

   It’s time to clean out the garage and get rid of the extra junk you are hording in the basement, the Daybreak Community Yard Sale happening this weekend, May 15th 7am -1pm. This event has been getting bigger every year, so come on out to Daybreak and see if you can find those hidden treasures. If you are a Daybreak Homeowner and want to advertise your yard sale you can pay $20 (a total rip off since nobody uses the yard sale maps) to the HOA and they will mark your house with an X on a map they will hand out at the Daybreak Pavilion.


   The Daybreak Community Council will also have its own sale, inside the DCC in rooms B/C (I know it’s a horrible location, they should do it outside) which they will be selling stuff from the old event storage area. If you don’t have a yard you can pay $40 (even bigger rip off, who wants to go to a yard sale indoors, ever hear of a drive by?) to set up a table and two chairs in the community center…

Last Updated on Wednesday, 12 May 2010 08:31
Hamlet Homes Townhomes concerns being addressed Print E-mail
Written by Scoop   
Wednesday, 12 May 2010 08:19

   Apparently there have been some Hamlet Homes Townhouse homeowners who have had some issues with their rain gutters in East Lake Village. Homeowners are saying that some of the rain gutters were not installed with a slight angle so they do not drain properly and they are overflowing. The overflowing is causing water damage on the some of the Townhomes and is causing some flooding problems. It is good to see Hamlet Homes willing to address this issue, Hamlet Homes in my opinion has the best customer service in Daybreak and always fixes any warranty issues(Rainey Homes is a close second), Destination Homes is dead last in customer service in my opinion and rarely honors any warranty issues.


If you are a Hamlet Homes Townhouse owner and have having some of these issues please feel free to contact Dave Irwin, he is a VP at Hamlet Homes.



Dave Irwin

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  

(801) 281-2223


Last Updated on Wednesday, 12 May 2010 08:22
USA Soccer sings ups start today May 1st through June 12th!!! Print E-mail
Written by Scoop   
Saturday, 01 May 2010 10:12

   If it is one thing I learned the hard way is that Utah has year round soccer and if you want to play you have to get your kids signed up in May or else they can’t play in the fall or the next spring. So I hope this helps some parents out there get their kids signed up in time. Here is some info below the league has out there…


Registration fees are $70.00 for the Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 year. That includes a jersey, shorts, socks, fees for the city, uysa fees and trophy.


Parents and coaches if you are signing up with a team please do the following: *All players must put down the same ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (not charter, home school or jr. high)*Every player must put down the coaches kid as the player they want to play with.


Last Updated on Saturday, 01 May 2010 10:17

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Do you enjoy the S.A.F.E. program and feel it should be brgouht to the City of South Jordan?
Which property tax equalization strategy would you support to solve budget problems in future years?
How should we handle the current $33 million Jordan School District Budget Shortfall?
How strongly do you want the following retailers in the village center? Please choose the retailer type you would most like to see in the Daybreak Village Center: